Sunday, April 10, 2011

How do :Books: make you smart??

        :^)    Do reaDing bOOks ReallY maKe You SmarT?????               
                             That is a hard question....
                   But the answer is YES and NO>>>.                           
Because it depends in what kind of book you read.....
Most of the times reading books doesn't only makes you smarter but it also gives you greater capacity for critical thinking, thinking outside the lines, deciding for yourself what to believe,thinking more deeply about issues and morals and so on.It  also excercises your brain cells. I think that books are related to hummanities because many authors, like painters or any other artist, express what they feel in a novel, poem etc. They also write books about history around the world (what happend in the past and what is happening now), which we all need to know because we all are part of this word and it is important to know what is going on in the place where we live. Any reading will increase your vocabulary eventually, but books with serious subject matters will inform you, and surprise, you might enjoy this discovery process.
                                  BOOKS CATEGORY:::::::::
KIDS :;[":"";';
There are many different categories of books. There are books for:starting from little kids. there are many book that can make them smart. Most of the book that we see for little kids are those of that teach them the alphabet, eassy words, short stories etc. All mothers try to read books to their kids before they go sleep so when they grow up they are smart.

There are many many books for adults too. There are many diferent types of books that many adults like. I think that many adults should read books because, much of our media looks down on smart people. They like to produce stories on beautiful and famous people with problems. Sometimes it almost seems to be unpopular to be smart. Such an attitude will not fare you well in the real world. Cultivating your intelligence, is one of the most important things you can do to ensure success in life.Some of the books that many adults prefer to read are: romantic, non-fiction, fiction, self-help, autobiographies, biographies, science fiction, horror, mystery/suspense etc.  

           wHat IF you Don'T like ReADing BooKS?????
There is still something you can do about it...>>
There are many book with pictures that explains everything in pictures and all you have to read is like three or four lines per page. You just have to try. It is not that bad to read books. I mean it is kind of boring because you have to look at the words all the time but STILL if you are interesting in that type of book, you are going to like it and the pages are going to fly by, without even noticing it.

As this quote from Oscar Wilde saysif you don't enjoy the book that you are reading what is the point of trying or read it. 
 “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.”

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keeping the environment GREEN....

How many time do we hear this word?????? 1,10,100,10000.... A lot, right.....
What does RECYCLE means???
Recycle essentially means to reuse an item. Instead of throwing it in the garbage, we just recycle that item to be used again.

                     SoMe Of ThE iTeMs ThA cAn Be ReCyClE....|| 
Some of the items that can be recycle are: paper, cardboard, glass, and plastic etc. These items can all be recycled to do something else.

WHY Recycle????
The importance of recycling can be observed in multiple ways. If you are wondering in your mind as to "why I should recycle" then here are some causes which should convince you to do so.
All raw materials and all energy are provided by our blue planet Earth, but they are NOT endless.
With population explosion we are stretching our natural resources to their limits

We also need to recycle: To Reduce Global Warming, To Prevent Air Pollution, To Solve the Problem of Insufficient of Landfills, To Prevent Water Pollution, To Save Energy, Saves Natural Resources etc.
>Factories and industries manufacturing items made from plastic and metals release large amounts of toxic gases. (Air Pollution)
>The human species will last longer if you recycle paper because less trees that produce oxygen are cut down.( Humans life) And there are so many othersssssss....

HOW you CAN help RECYCLE??????

Very easy....
Recycling is easy once you get everything sorted. You will need to sort out the recyclables such as glass bottles, plastics cartons and paper into the appropriate bins and from there, those materials are sent on their way to becoming something else for use. You can also utilize those food scraps and waste trimmings from the yard in a compost heap.
                                                 WHO CAN RECYCLE??????
Adults, old and young women/men, and even kids. Everyone can at least take a piece of paper and put it where it belogs.
Everyone can help themselves to have a better life in th community that they live.

"We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbor. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly". As this quote by Clement of Alexandria says that the good are called good because they can be used for good things. There are so many good things that can be use for many other good things.