I will start this blog by telling you guys, with how much I love animals. I love every kind of animals.......
Well !!!
Not every kind of them because some of the them are scary.....
I especially love pets: dogs, cats, etc.
Why we need animals???
Some people say that animals were created for us, to make the maximum use of then and to use them whenever we need. You need them for food, clothing, treatment (drug production), fertilize land traveling, packing baggage, cleaning land,entertainment. There are many things that we can do with animals BUT why do all of these instead of keeping animals just for joy. Just because they bring you happiness in your faces and they are very cute. Of course not everyone likes every kind of animals but they for sure have their favorites and they don't want to see them dead and used for those things. There are many different things that we can use to make clothing, treatment, packing baggage without involving animals in this. LOOK all this happy faces.....

Animals are also important because they are fascinating creatures that we do not want to become extinct. If these things disappear, our time will come shortly after. imals are a crucial part of our lives and we need to stay in harmony with them. Bugs like bees help pollinate flowers to make more food for us. Animals are fascinating and a life without these amazing creatures would be dull and boring. They are also good for pets which I think everybody should have one. Do we really want all animals to go extinct? I didn't think so. EVERYONE LOVES ANIMALS........
Why aRE Many AnimAls aROUnd tHE World disaPpeAriNg?????
Many of them are dying because we the people kill them. Hunters kill them, but not only hunters but even the people kill them. Some the people kill them because they don't like animals, but some of people have pets at home and abuse them.Come on people if you don't like to have pets at home why do you get them. Pollution is another reason that is effecting many animals disappear. Pollution is effecting not only animals and birds and plants but it is also effecting our lives. It is very important to keep the environment clean, because life is like a cycle. What you do today, you will get tomorrow.
As the quote form George Eliot says:
“Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms”.
animals are part our happiness life.
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